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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Fiscal stimulus funds housing maintenance work

13 May 2010

States tenants at 4 housing estates are to get new roofs, windows and doors thanks to fiscal stimulus funding.

More than ÂŁ1million has been allocated to the Housing Department to carry out backlog maintenance projects. 

ÂŁ850,752 will be spent on replacing roofs, windows and doors at Wellington Park. The properties were built between 1930 and 1950 and need extensive repair work. This includes new gutters, rain water pipes, new water storage tanks, chimney repairs and improved loft insulation.

Similar maintenance work will be carried out on a 1980s block of flats at Grasset Park.  ÂŁ40,239 has been allocated to replace the roofs, repair chimneys and gutters and to improve loft insulation.  ÂŁ128,800 is being spent on a number of properties at St Martin’s Arsenal to replace roofs and refurbish the windows.  Double glazing is also being fitted at 11 flats at Vincent Court. 

Housing Director of Property Maintenance, Bob Staddon, said “Many of these properties are more than 30 years old and were built without double glazing and adequate loft insulation. Fiscal stimulus funding will allow us to carry out essential maintenance work and help us to better insulate tenants’ homes before the winter.”

Treasury Minister, Senator Philip Ozouf, said “Fiscal stimulus funding has allowed these projects to be brought forward. This will not only provide work for the construction industry at this difficult time but also help improve the living conditions of many States tenants.”

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