14 January 2010
Jersey Hospice Care is to receive a ÂŁ2.6 million boost from the States fiscal stimulus fund, to help redevelop Clarkson House.
The funding is part of the ongoing programme to inject cash into the local economy, to ease islanders through the economic downturn and to help companies to survive the challenging trading environment. The ultimate aim of the fiscal stimulus is to mitigate the impact of the downturn on local employment and to support households through a difficult period.
Ageing Population
The money awarded to Jersey Hospice Care will help the charity meet an expected increase in demand for patient care in the coming years. Research shows that Jersey will face significant changes in the number of people needing palliative care in the next 30 years because of changing demographics.
In an ageing population, a quarter of people are predicted to die from cancer, so the Council of Jersey Hospice Care has decided to develop the existing facilities at Clarkson House to ensure that the charity is prepared.
Building work, which will be split into several phases to minimise disruption to patients, is due to begin shortly. The ÂŁ2.6 million will go towards the first two phases of the redevelopment which include a new entrance, car park, in-patient unit, Home Care and Community Bereavement Service facilities.
Improved facilities
The complete project is expected to cost around ÂŁ10m and will double the number of bedrooms in the in-patient unit to 12, create a new improved Day Hospice and an Education Centre. An integral part of the proposal is the enhancement of the landscaped gardens which are so much a part of Clarkson House.
In recent years Jersey Hospice Care, which is entirely reliant on donations from islanders, has established reserves specifically for this project. Coupled with the fiscal stimulus funding, the charity is now about halfway towards financing the entire project and a public appeal will be launched to raise the remaining funding needed.
Senator Ozouf said “I am extremely supportive of Jersey Hospice Care and very pleased that this grant will help it to continue to provide specialist palliative care.
“But I must stress that fiscal stimulus funding – whether it’s for construction, skills training, businesses, or help for individuals - doesn’t just benefit those who are directly affected. It keeps people in work and stimulates the economy, and we all benefit from that.”
Independent charity
Jersey Hospice Care’s Chairman Dr Gari Purcell-Jones said “We are tremendously grateful to the States of Jersey for this money and appreciate how fortunate we have been to have our application approved, particularly as this is a difficult time for many organisations. It means we are now half way towards our goal.
“Jersey Hospice Care would like to stress that this support from the States of Jersey doesn’t affect our charitable status in any way. As a charity we remain 100% independent and the £2.6 million will be used specifically for our extension project.”
Property Holdings is overseeing the project and will manage its governance.
Jersey Hospice Care website