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Busy agenda for Brittany delegation visit

08 September 2010

A delegation from Brittany is visiting Jersey on Wednesday 8 September 2010, as part of an annual programme of discussions on co-operation between Jersey and the department of Ille et Vilaine.

Delegates will be welcomed at the Elizabeth Terminal by Connétable Ken Vibert and transferred to Durrell for discussions on a wide range of subjects. The Chief Minister, Senator Terry Le Sueur, will host the strategy group who will consider an economic overview, the OECD peer review, the new Brussels office and the possible exchange of civil servants.

The Breton delegation is led by the Vice-PrĂ©sidente du Conseil GĂ©nĂ©ral d'Ille-et-Vilaine, Clotilde Tascon-Mennetrier, who is accompanied by elected representatives and officials involved in collaboration on tourism and economic links, agriculture and the rural economy, and sporting and cultural initiatives. 

The Economic Development Minister, Senator Alan Maclean, will chair discussions on the Franco-British Cycle Plan, which aims to provide safe and attractive cycle routes and greenways in southeast England and northern France, and the possibility of a shared stand at the St Malo village for the Route du Rhum saling race, which takes place every 4 years.

The Education Sport and Culture Minister, Deputy James Reed, will lead a discussion on sporting links and cultural exchanges, and Assistant Minister for Planning and Environment Deputy Rob Duhamel's workshop will focus on water quality, windfarms and marine protected areas. Agriculture and the rural economy are high on the agenda for the group led by Connétable Len Norman.

The Chief Minister, Senator Terry Le Sueur, says "These annual visits are proving extremely valuable in strengthening closer links and co-operation with the Department of Ille et Vilaine.

"I am especially pleased to note the success of the stage and time trial of the Tour de Bretagne and the educational links that have resulted in video-conferencing and class trips between various schools and colleges."


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