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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Wednesday 22 September is Green Travel Day

09 September 2010

Islanders are being asked to walk, cycle, take a bus or car share on Green Travel Day on Wednesday 22 September 2010.

Green Travel Day has been organised by Transport and Technical Services (TTS) to coincide with World Carfree Day, which is held annually on September 22 as part of European Mobility Week. Many towns and cities around the world will be trying to reduce car usage on the day and raise awareness about the benefits of using greener forms of transport.

Extra cycle parking and bus services

Commuters into St Helier have the most opportunity for change, as alternative travel options are more readily available. Extra cycle parking is being arranged and there will be extra buses on the most popular routes at commuter times to cater for the expected increase in usage.

The day aims to raise awareness about the merit and availability of green travel options. Hopefully, having tried a different option on 22 September, people will be encouraged to use that option again, maybe once a week.

Minister for TTS, ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson, said “I am delighted that this year Jersey will be joining other towns and cities across the world and marking this sustainable travel awareness day on Wednesday 22 September. I hope that as many people as possible will take part in the day and in particular those who normally travel to work by car on their own will consider one of the greener options of travel.”

Green Travel Day fair

A Green Travel Day fair is being held in the Royal Square, starting at 7.30am and running through the lunchtime period to give people the opportunity to find out more about sustainable travel.

There will be stalls from States Departments (TTS, Environment, Public Health and Tourism). Other stalls will include:

  • examples of latest bicycle technology
  • bicycle repair and security advice
  • bus information
  • refreshments

Event sponsors

HSBC, who has previously run green travel events, is a main sponsor of the event.

HSBC Regional Director, Channel Islands and Isle of Man, Dave Hellen, said "In the past, HSBC has held its own Green Travel Days, which have been well supported by our staff. I am delighted that, through our partnership with Eco-Active, we are able to extend our commitment and this initiative to the wider Jersey community."

Green Travel Day (leisure and entertainment section)

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