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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Health recognise service and achievement

13 October 2010

Long service and achievement awards will be made to Health and Social Services staff at the annual 'Awards and Celebrating Achievement' evening this Friday (15 October).

Around 200 staff, family and friends will attend the event to celebrate publicly the work of those who have successfully completed courses of further study and others who have given long service to Health and Social Services.

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, Lieutenant-General Andrew Ridgway, and his wife, Mrs Ridgway, will make a number of presentations during the Radisson Hotel event.

Health and Social Services Minister Deputy Anne Pryke said β€œI am delighted we have this opportunity to formally recognise the long and dedicated service of staff and to celebrate the achievement of others in obtaining further qualifications through additional training.

β€œIt should be an excellent evening and I am grateful to the sponsors, in particular Camerons - who have been especially generous as our main sponsor - as well as Page Architects, Mercury Distribution and Ethicon Endo-Surgery for their support in making this event possible.”

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