23 February 2010
​Jersey’s Chief Minister is urging islanders to support the appeal launched by the charity, Jersey Side by Side, to help rebuild Madeira’s community following the devastating floods which hit the island last week.
Senator Terry Le Sueur has personally contacted senior representatives of Madeira’s government to pledge practical support, and says we should all focus our help on the charity’s appeal. He said “I have spoken to the senior officials and politicians I’ve previously met during meetings in both Jersey and Madeira, to make sure they know we will do our best to help in whatever way is needed.
“Jersey has close and well established links with Madeira and we need to make sure our efforts to help are co-ordinated. I have contacted the Bailiff and the St Helier Constable to decide what action we should take.”
The Bailiff, Michael Birt, has made a statement to the States Assembly expressing deep sympathy for the suffering and loss of life resulting from the extreme weather conditions. He said "the island remains in close contact with the authorities in Madeira and I am sure members will wish to join me in extending our collective support to our fellow islanders at this difficult time."
The Treasury Minister, Senator Philip Ozouf, has highlighted the contribution made to Jersey by the Madeiran community and said “I have been told that the main priority at the moment is to find housing for those made homeless by the floods. We have a long-standing friendship with the Madeiran people and we will make sure we find the most appropriate way to help.”
Senator Le Sueur is encouraging anyone who wants to donate money to do so through the Jersey Side by Side appeal.
You can donate online at Jersey Side by Side
By e-mail: ​​jerseysidebyside@hotmail.com​
By telephone:
Chairman: Michael Wavell. Tel: +44 (0) 1534 725321
Secretary: Trenna Forrest. Tel: +44 (0) 1534 743076
By post:
Jersey Side by Side,
c/o Secretary Trenna Forrest,
Chant de la Mer,
4 Les Fourneaux,
La Rue de la Corbiere,
Jersey JE3 8HP