09 March 2010
​Islanders have until Friday 12 March to make their views know on new proposals for the heritage protection system for Jersey.
The Minister for Planning and Environment’s proposed changes to the Island’s heritage protection system are set out in a White Paper which is open for public scrutiny and comment until the end of this week.
Senator Freddie Cohen, has welcomed the response so far. Views are largely positive. Generally people seem to favour a simpler heritage protection for historic buildings and places – to be known as Listed buildings, support the idea of new conservation areas and welcome a better system to record our heritage on the Island.
Senator Cohen said “This is an important change to the way we will manage our heritage in the future and I would encourage as many individuals and organisations as possible to make their comment on the White Paper. I hope the new system will help us conserve the special and unique aspects of Jersey’s heritage in the future. Comments are welcome and will be essential to help us take the next steps.”
Senator Cohen welcomes the views of all Islanders on these proposals, in particular owners and occupiers of historic properties, as well as groups and individuals with an interest in Jersey’s historic environment.
The deadline for responses to the consultation is 12 March 2010. Comments can be submitted online or in writing.