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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Jersey Income Distribution Survey 2009/10

27 September 2010

The report on the Jersey Income Distribution Survey (IDS) 2009/10 has been released by the States of Jersey Statistics Unit today (27 September 2010).

The report describes the average household income in Jersey and is based on the Household Spending and Income Survey, which ran from May 2009 to May 2010. Over 1,100 households took part in the survey and were asked details about their sources and levels of income as well as their spending.

The IDS 2009/10 report breaks down the average household income figures by household type, tenure and residential qualifications. It also explores inequality indicators and the threshold of ā€˜relative low incomeā€™, and which households fall below this threshold.

The report compares the 2009/10 results with those of the previous round of the survey, run in 2002, and also with the UK:

  • overall, household incomes in Jersey were shown to have increased by around a third with respect to 2002, and the measure of income inequality showed a slight improvement in one indicator (the 90-10 ratio) and was essentially unchanged in another (the Gini coefficient)
  • household incomes in Jersey are higher than in the UK, both before and after housing costs are taken into account (64% and 52%, respectively)

A different pattern was found between Jersey and the UK for the types of individuals falling below the threshold of relative low income: a higher proportion of pensioners in Jersey were below this threshold than in the UK (27% in Jersey and 16% in the UK); whilst the UK had a higher proportion of children in ā€˜relative low incomeā€™ (22% in Jersey and 30% in the UK).

Jersey Income Distribution Survey report 2009/10 (government and administration section)

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