07 July 2010
​Jersey Coastguard has received a number of complaints about the misuse of jet-skis and other similar craft (known as personal watercraft or PWC) around the Island. Reports have been received from beach users of near misses with swimmers in several of the Island's bays.
Jersey Coastguard is reminding all PWC users of the requirements of the Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Jersey) Regulations 1969, which includes their obligation to monitor their speed (which must not exceed 5 knots when closer than 200 yards to the shore) and the need to be mindful of other water users.
Captain Peter Lawrence, Enforcement Manager at Jersey Coastguard, said “This rise in reports received from members of the public has led us to highlight our concerns regarding the misuse of both personal watercraft and other vessels operating close to shore. Areas of particular concern will be monitored over the forthcoming season and if necessary enforcement action will be taken. Serious breaches can result in court action being taken.”
Personal watercraft owners are also reminded of the need to register their craft when newly purchased and on an annual basis. All craft must be clearly marked with their registration number. These details will help to identify any unmanned craft and also repatriate lost equipment to its rightful owner.
Registrations can be completed at the Marine Leisure Centre on the New North Quay.
Sea kayaking, surfing and jet-ski safety on Ports of Jersey website