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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Meeting with Town Park designers an opportunity for public to share ideas

02 August 2010

An evening event has been added to the Millennium Town Park consultation schedule. On Thursday 5 August, anyone wanting to discuss their views on what theyā€™d like to see included in the new park, can do so in the evening as well as during the day.

Transport and Technical Services (TTS) would like to know what future users want in the new Millennium Town Park. The designers of the park are holding drop-in events allowing future users an opportunity to talk over their ideas. The evening session on Thursday 5 August from 7.30pm to 9pm at the Town Hall has been added to allow those people who work during the day and on Saturdays, an opportunity to express their views.

There are 3 other daytime drop-in sessions scheduled on:

  • Thursday 5 August at The Bridge, Le Geyt Road, from 10am to 2pm
  • Friday 6 August at the Welcome Centre, 17 Val Plaisant, from 10am to 2pm
  • Saturday 7 August at Gas Place car park from 10am to 2pm

TTS has also developed a questionnaire as a quick and easy way to express views. 

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