06 September 2010
The Early Years and Childcare Partnership (EYCP) are asking parents in Jersey for their views on the best places for their children to play, and how safe they consider them to be.
This is the second consultation about play undertaken this year. The first was directed at primary and year 7 children and asked where and how the youngsters preferred to play.
The next and final consultation will be for professionals involved in children’s play. The findings from all consultations will then be used to help create a Play Strategy, which will identify children's needs to assist in government decision-making.
Belinda Lewis, chair of the EYPC working party concerned with play for school age children, is keen to encourage parents to complete the survey. "It is important that we know which play areas are favoured by parents, how they rate the facilities and whether they consider them to be a safe environment."
The survey is available from Brenda Confrey, administrator for the EYCP, on telephone +44 (0) 1534 449387.​