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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Boards offer advice on recycling and new incinerator

10 September 2010

New information boards have been put up around the Island to keep people up-to-date with recycling information and news about the development of the energy from waste plant at La Collette.

The boards explain what recycling facilities are available at each site and provide space for notices. They can be found at the following mini-recycling centres:

  • Les Quennevais shopping precinct (lower car park)
  • Goose Green car park
  • Esplanade car park
  • St Saviour’s Parish Depot (Rue des Pres)
  • Le Marais
  • Holme Grown
  • Grainville School car park

At present, the notices focus on the design and construction process for the energy from waste plant. Later, posters will provide more details about the energy from waste plant - for instance, up to 8% of the Island’s electricity needs will be met from burning rubbish.

New recycling services and advice will also feature on the boards as these arise.

The Minister for Transport and Technical Services, ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson, said “Raising awareness of our progress in delivering the Island’s Solid Waste Strategy is essential if we are to keep increasing our recycling rate.  Using the Island’s mini recycling centres to explain the role of the new Energy from Waste facility will help people understand how we are making the best use of our rubbish.”

Andy Simm, the Construction Director at Camerons, which is one of the three main partners building the Energy from Waste facility, said “We are delighted to be able to contribute to this project and to have an opportunity to explain the care taken as the Energy from Waste facility is constructed. Hopefully, these recycling boards will also provide a useful legacy from the project to keep people informed about sustainable waste practices in the Island.”

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