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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Additional recycling facilities to open in St Aubin

31 August 2010

Transport and Technical Services are pleased to announce the opening of an additional mini recycling centre in St Aubin provided in partnership with the parish of St Brelade.

From Friday 3 September, facilities in the car park behind the parish hall will be available to recycle household paper, plastic bottles, food and drink cans and glass. 

The parish of St Brelade has also added a glass recycling bank to the mini recycling centre located at Les Creux Country Park to help resolve the issue of fly-tipped glass which has become a problem on the site.

ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson said “Improving recycling facilities within the parish is essential if more people are to recycle. I am delighted that parishioners now have a choice of mini recycling centres at St Aubin, Les Creux and Les Quennevais and we will continue to investigate further ways to increase recycling within the parish.”

Recycling Officer, Emma Richardson, said “The opening of the recycling facilities in St Aubin brings the total number of mini recycling centres to 15 around the Island. Providing convenient facilities is key to increasing recycling and we are thrilled to have been able to open additional facilities in such a prominent site as St Aubin."

The parish of St Brelade would like to remind parishioners that every household in the parish receives a weekly glass collection and so the new glass recycling banks should only be used when extra facilities are needed. Householders should separate their glass into a separate glass bin and leave this alongside their household rubbish for collection.

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