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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

School bus service recommences on 2 September

27 August 2010

The school bus service restarts on Thursday 2 September 2010. The services provided are unchanged from last year with the exception of one afternoon service.

Number 959 leaving Wellington Road at 3.48pm will no longer serve the Victoria Village area and will terminate at Hougue Bie.  Pupils wishing to travel to Victoria Village are advised to use service 21, which stops opposite the Hotel de France at 4.07pm.

The first few weeks of the academic year can be difficult, as exact demand for the services is not known, and after-school activities do not immediately restart.

The Acting Director of Transport for Transport and Technical Services (TTS), Tristen Dodd said ā€œIā€™d like to ask all parents, guardians and the students to be patient over the first few weeks of the service. It is impossible for Transport and Technical Services to immediately predict demand and we cannot guarantee that occasional overloading or scheduling problems will not occur. Both TTS and Connex will work together to iron out any issues as quickly as we can.ā€

Students, parents and guardians are advised to check the timetables carefully. They are available online and from school offices, along with general advice sheets.

School buses

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