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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Lower speed limits in St Clement

02 November 2010

The Minister for Transport and Technical Services has agreed to a request from the Parish of St Clement to reduce almost all of the current 40mph speed limits down to 30mph to make the roads safer in residential areas.

The new speed limits will be clearly signposted and come into force on 12 November 2010. 

ConnĂ©table of St Clement, Len Norman, said “I am delighted to have worked with the Minister for Transport and Technical Services to implement lower speed limits on the roads in St Clement. I am pleased that this will bring significant road safety improvements for all road users, but particularly pedestrians and cyclists especially in the parish lanes and through the built up areas of the coast and inner roads.”

Minister for Transport and Technical Services, Connétable Mike Jackson, who had also received requests for speed reductions from St Clement parishioners, said “I am pleased to at last be able to implement lower speed limits in St Clement that I know this will be welcomed and supported by so many residents in the area.”

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