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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

St Helier sewer upgrade

29 March 2010

Transport and Technical Services (TTS) will be carrying out an important sewer upgrade project in the Rouge Bouillon area starting at Easter and running through until early May.

The ÂŁ370,792 project, which is being paid for from the fiscal stimulus fund, is the latest in TTS’s programme to separate the water that drains off the surface of the road out of the foul sewage system.  A new sewer will be constructed beneath Rouge Bouillon, between Queen's Road and Raleigh Avenue, which will discharge to an existing surface water sewer. There are 2 main reasons why it is important to do this.  Firstly, as surface water does not require treatment it can be discharged directly to sea without the need to go to the Bellozanne treatment works, which saves money and reduces the loading on the sewage treatment plant. Secondly, the capacity of the new sewer system will allow future development as outlined in the draft Island Plan.

The project will be completed in 3 stages. The first stage requires the full road closure of Rouge Bouillon outside the Norfolk Lodge Hotel.  This is being carried out over the Easter weekend on 2, 4 and 5 April to minimise the impact on the traffic.  Following on, the second stage will allow only eastbound traffic between the Queen’s Road roundabout and Midvale Road until the end of the Easter school holidays, April 19. The third stage will not affect traffic. Work will continue 7 days a week, including Bank Holidays, from 8am until 8pm.  The sewer work will be preceded by some preliminary work by Jersey Gas, which starts on 31 March, and will require traffic restrictions at Queen's Road roundabout for traffic from Queen's Road.

“The money we have been awarded from the fiscal stimulus fund has enabled us to undertake this essential infrastructure work as well as providing work for our contractors during this period of economic downturn,” said ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson, Minister for Transport and Technical Services.  “The project will provide long term benefits for the Island.”

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