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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

St Lawrence road check

21 April 2010

4 drivers are to be prosecuted and 5 vehicles have been impounded following a road check in St Lawrence on 15 April 2010.

Officers from Driver and Vehicle Standards (DVS), the States of Jersey Police Roads Policing Unit, Customs and Immigration, and the Honorary Police of St Lawrence worked together to check 1,237 vehicles at the road check in St Peter’s Valley (near Bel Royal School) between 7.30am and 9.00am last Thursday. 

A total of 17 drivers were issued with defect notices and 4 drivers have been asked to produce their driving documents at St Lawrence parish hall. A large commercial vehicle with defective steering and oil leaks, and a small commercial vehicle with fuel leaks and defective bodywork were impounded at the check. The drivers and owners of both vehicles are to be prosecuted, as is the driver of a car that was impounded at the check with a defective tyre and lighting problems.

The driver of a tractor is also being prosecuted for carrying an unauthorised passenger. A second large commercial vehicle was impounded at the check with defective steering and a medium goods vehicle was sent directly to a workshop for tyre replacement. 28 diesel vehicles had their fuel sampled by Customs and Immigration. A driver has been told to register their car locally.

Inspector of Motor Traffic Alan Muir said â€śIt’s disappointing to find commercial vehicles that obviously have not even had the minimum of inspection and maintenance. By not inspecting and maintaining vehicles regularly, these owners and drivers are not only compromising their own safety but also the safety of other road users.”

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