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Student learning conference

25 June 2010

Following the success of last yearā€™s inaugural Student Learning Conference, the Department for Education, Sport and Culture (ESC) will hold its second conference on Thursday 1 July 2010 at Fort Regent.

Approximately 100 year 5 and year 6 pupils will gather together to hear and talk about what learning means to them. The day will start with a keynote address from one of the UKā€™s leading Educational Consultants, Di Pardoe who will focus the children on their aspirations for the future before asking them to consider what they need to do now to achieve their goals.

The pupils will then hold a ā€˜marketplaceā€™ to promote what good learning looks like in their own schools. Each school will set up a stall with tables and display boards explaining their schoolā€™s approach to learning. Pupils will then circulate the stalls gleaning good ideas to take back to their own schools.

Sarah Johnson, learning co-ordinator for ESC explains the value of the conference to students ā€œIt provides an opportunity for students to understand explicitly what good learning looks like, its importance and how they are empowered to be in charge of their own learning.ā€

This year primary school pupils are joined by year 7 students from Les Quennevais and students from Highlands College who are all keen to be involved and help out on the day.

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