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Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents gives award to Transport and Technical Services

24 August 2010

Transport and Technical Services (TTS) has won a gold award from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).

ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson, the Minister for TTS, met the department’s Health and Safety Manager, Bill Dark, and some of the Health and Safety sectional representatives and congratulated them on their achievement at reaching such a high level of the prestigious award.

RoSPA gives out awards annually to organisations that can demonstrate they have robust health and safety management systems and are actively working to reduce the number of accidents and cases of ill health at work. RoSPA assessed TTS’s systems and work undertaken last year and announced their decision earlier this year.

TTS were first assessed 2 years ago and won a silver level award. Significant progress has been made since then, enabling them to win the gold award this year.

RoSPA’s award manager, David Rawlins, said “The States of Jersey TTS Department has shown a commitment to protecting the health and wellbeing of its employees and others. Organisations that do this deserve to have such dedication recognised, and that’s where these awards come in.

“As well as there being clear ethical reasons and legal requirements for good health and safety management, there is also a strong business case. RoSPA is delighted to publicly honour organisations which have demonstrated their work to improve performance in this sphere.”

TTS staff have carried out a wide range of tasks in often hazardous environments, and maintaining safety standards across the department relies on the involvement and commitment of everybody.

“TTS is always striving to improve,” said the TTS Minister. â€śManaging to jump from silver to gold award level in 2 years shows how successful they have been. The health and safety of our staff and the public in general is something that we can never afford to be complacent about.”

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