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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New winter bus timetable issued

27 August 2010

​The Minister for Transport and Technical Services (TTS) is proposing a revised bus timetable covering the period of October 2010 to May 2011.

The proposed revised schedules are due to commence on Sunday 3 October, and feature some improvements not seen in previous winter timetables. They include extra Sunday services and extra departure times on certain routes, in particular a new earlier departure of the bus to the airport so that it arrives in time to catch the earliest flights.

ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson, the Minister for Transport and Technical Services, said “The proposed timetable is a step towards the goal of providing a more consistent year-round bus service and I really hope the changes will attract new passengers across the network.” He continued, “I want members of the public to let me know what they think of these proposals and I would like them to contact me over the next 2 weeks with their views.”

Information about the changes to bus services can be found in the travel and transport section of the website. A full list of changes will also be published in the Gazette section of the JEP on Tuesday 31 August, or details can be collected from TTS’s reception at South Hill and at the Connex information desk in Liberation Station.

Comments on the changes should made before Saturday 11 September 2010.

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