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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Raffle to raise funds for youth project's Move on Café

15 July 2010

The 'Move on Youth Project' is holding a grand raffle to raise funds for the refurbishment of the Move on CafĂ©. It is hoped that development work will be completed shortly on the cafe, which is based at Liberation Square. 

The Department for Education, Sport and Culture has been working in partnership with the Parish of St Helier and the St Helier Youth Committee to redevelop and refurbish the building, which has been closed for 2 years.

The raffle will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 19 July in the Assembly Room at St Helier Town Hall and will raise funds for the project that will provide improved catering, ICT and media facilities and disabled access to the upper and lower floors.

Deputy Ben Fox, Chairman of the Move on Youth Project Advisory Group, said “Special thanks to everyone who has bought tickets or donated prizes for the Move on Youth Raffle. It will help to provide modern facilities and amenities for the drop-in youth cafĂ© and assist street based youth work for our Island’s young people, especially those who live and meet in and around St Helier.”

Stacey Baxter (22), who previously used the project, explains the importance of the redevelopment “The cafĂ© for me was a brilliant way to introduce myself to young people when I moved to the Island. It had a very welcoming atmosphere and kept us entertained with the pool table, karaoke, games room and chilling out with the youth workers and friends.

"Rather than hanging round on the streets, the café offered an alternative, safe environment to meet people, get advice if needed or just to have a laugh. The youth workers were great, helpful and directed us in the right way. The new café will definitely offer scope for young people to get off the streets and have somewhere to go to enjoy them selves and meet new friends.”

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