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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

A Level results published

18 August 2011

Jersey students have today received their A Level results (Thursday 18 August).

Head of Planning and Projects for Education, Sport and Culture, Jim Westwater, has indicated that results overall are better than last year and compare favourably with national percentages. The percentage of top grades, the A*, A and Bs have increased and the lower grades have decreased, exactly the trend ESC wishes to see.

The table below contains a breakdown of the percentage of students achieving each grade in all entries compared with the UK results for this year and with Jerseyā€™s results for 2010.

 Results  A*  A  B  C  D  E  U
 Jersey 2011  12.1%  23.5%  28.7%  21.4%  10.0%  3.7%  0.5%
 UK 2011  8.2%  18.8%  25.6%  23.6%  15.1%  6.5%  2.2%
 Jersey 2010  9.1%  21.9%  31.6%  22.2%  11.0%  3.7%  0.4%

Assistant Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, Deputy Anne Dupre, said: "The students and their teachers should be congratulated on these results. They show post 16 education in Jersey is strong and something we should be proud of."

The Director of Education, Sport and Culture, Mario Lundy said: "Overall these results show an increase over last year and compare very favourably with England and Wales."

This year, for the first time, 26 local students took the International Baccalaureate Examinations. 24 students were awarded an IB Diploma and 2 were awarded an IB Certificate.

The table below shows the percentage of each grade achieved with the equivalent results for the International Baccalaureate included.

 Results  A*  A  B  C  D  E  U
 Jersey 2011  15.6%  23.3%  27.1%  20.3%  9.7%  3.5%  0.5%

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