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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Visitors welcomed by 'Battle' exhibits

03 August 2011

Passengers arriving at Jersey Airport over the coming days won’t fail to notice that the Island is once again about to stage its largest event of the summer, the Jersey Battle of Flowers.

For the second year running, as an opportunity to showcase the parades and give visitors a sneak preview of things to come, passengers are being greeted in the airside arrivals hall by floral exhibits used in previous parades. The exhibits are  proving popular, especially â€˜Alex’ the lion from the film ‘Madagascar’. He's a key feature in the hall once again and many passengers are stopping to have their photograph taken with him.

This year for the first time, Jersey Airport is also displaying all the entries from a recent mini-battle competition by pupils from St George’s School,. Up to 15 of the submitted mini floats, all designed and built by the children, are lining the arrivals hall.

The airport’s Battle tradition will continue this Saturday 6 August when many arriving passengers will be personally welcomed to the Island by this year’s Miss Battle of Flowers, Alice Cubbage. Accompanied by Miss St Peter, Stephanie Bourke and Miss St Brelade, Eleanor Stannard, the trio, escorted by Battle Bee himself, will be handing out floral garlands to passengers in the arrivals terminal as part of the official launch of ‘Battle Week’ celebrations.

Jersey Airport’s Terminal Services Manager, Steve Read, said "The Battle of Flowers has always been popular with our visitors and what better way of highlighting the event than by showcasing it here at the Island’s principal gateway. We know that passengers particularly like the personal welcome from Miss Battle and who knows, it may encourage some of them, who haven’t quite made up their mind what to do during their holiday to come along on the day and support the event."

Miss Battle of Flowers is expected to be at Jersey Airport between 11am and 2pm.

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