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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Airport car park charges increase

16 August 2011

Car parking charges at Jersey Airport are going up on Thursday 1 September 2011.

It's the first rise in more than 2 years.

Jersey Airportā€™s Terminal and Security Manager, Steve Read said: "Jersey Airport has maintained its current car parking charges since May 2009. These revised rates reflect the recent rise to 5% GST, together with the need for the airport to maintain a fair balance between aviation and non-aviation income."

The area alongside the access road leading to the departures terminal will remain a designated free pick up zone. This allows drivers up to 10 minutes waiting time at no cost and has proved popular since it was first introduced in 2010. 

The new rates are as follows:

The short stay car park, which is located immediately in front of the arrivals terminal, will increase from 60 pence per half hour to 70 pence per half hour.
The long stay car park, which is located between the arrivals and departures terminal, will increase from 60 pence per hour to 70 pence per hour.

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