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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New airport parking scheme

29 June 2011

Frequent car park users at Jersey Airport can now save themselves valuable time at the pay machines by signing up for a new scheme.

The Rapide Pass is a prepaid car parking charge card, which allows users to swipe out at the car park exit barrier rather than having to queue to pay at one of the terminals’ ticket stations. Each time the pass is swiped, the car park charge is deducted from the amount of prepaid credit available on the card.


The scheme has been implemented as a result of feedback from airport users and it is hoped queue lengths will reduce as will the time it takes to exit the car park. It should also reduce the number of car park tickets issued as users will retain the same card and use it each time they use the car park.

The Rapide Pass is available to purchase from the information desk at Jersey Airport, with an initial minimum amount of ÂŁ20 credit. Each time a user wishes to ‘top up’ their credit, they simply insert the pass into the designated pay station in the departures terminal and pay for the amount of credit they require. 

The amount of credit available to the user will be displayed at the car park entry point when it is inserted into the card reader and should users need to top it up, this can be done before they travel, to ensure there is sufficient credit available when they return. 

First users signed up

The Rapide Pass initiative has already signed up its first users according to Jersey Airport’s Terminal & Security Manager, Steve Read. He believes the scheme will be of particular interest to those who frequently travel through the airport as well as corporate clients, saying, ‘We fully appreciate the frustration felt by some airport users about the time it can take to pay exit charges at the pay station, especially at peak times.

"By introducing the Rapide Pass we hope to alleviate some of these concerns and ensure people leave the airport as quickly and as smoothly as possible. We believe the Rapide Pass will be equally beneficial to those people who use the car park when meeting arriving passengers, who are also short of time."

Parking charges

The Rapide Pass can be used in both the short stay and long stay car parks at Jersey Airport and will be subject to the usual parking charges that apply in these areas.

Anyone who wishes to apply for a Rapide Pass can do in person at the information desk in the departures terminal at Jersey Airport or telephone (01534) 446100.

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