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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Public advised not to build bonfires

08 June 2011

The Fire and Rescue Services were called to 2 incidents involving bonfires yesterday (Tuesday 7 June 2011).

A 999 call from a member of the public alerted firefighters to a fire in the CrabbĂ© area in St Mary. On arrival the crews found smoke coming from a controlled burn. The fire was not out of control but the Fire Service were grateful for the timely alert enabling a rapid response which is key to dealing with fires effectively.

The second call out was to St Brelade were a fire had been lit the previous day and left to smoulder overnight. A gust of wind caused the fire to re-ignite which quickly spread to the dry vegetation nearby and went on to destroy 180 square metres of hedgerow. Again, an early 999 call from a neighbour enabled a quick response, and the fire was dealt with swiftly.

Firefighters also attended the scene of the Corbiere furze fire when the investigating Fire Officer called for further assistance as he suspected a re-ignition. High pressure jets were used to deliver a further 8 tonnes of water over the 2,500 square metre area.

Station Manager Richard Liron said: "It's hard to believe that people are still happy to risk lighting a bonfire in these weather conditions; many gardeners do take all the necessary precautions, however why risk it - it’s a terrifying feeling when you realise a fire is getting away from you, and worse than this is the feeling of being responsible for causing so much damage and putting others at risk."

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