10 March 2011

Census questionnaires will start to be delivered today (10 March) in time for the census on Sunday 27 March. 166 local enumerators will take 2 weeks to deliver the questionnaire to every Jersey household.
All enumerators will wear photo ID badges and you are urged to check these if you are at all concerned. The badges carry the Census 2011 and States of Jersey logos, as well as the signature of the Head of the Statistics Unit, Dr Duncan Gibaut.
Anyone who is unsure how to complete the census questionnaire can ask the enumerators for advice and help. The enumerators can also explain how you can get further assistance if you have sight, language or literacy difficulties.
The questionnaire should be completed on Sunday 27 March and returned as soon as possible using the pre-paid envelope.
Dr Duncan Gibaut, Head of the Statistics Unit said “It is very important that people understand the importance of the census and are confident that all information will be kept strictly confidential. The enumerators will not ask for any personal details, just the number of people in the household so that they leave the correct number of questionnaires.
“Anyone who is at all concerned can phone our helpline service on 440111.”