14 March 2011

​Information from the census will be used by the Transport and Technical Services Department to model the Island’s future transport needs.
The census will include questions on whether people work from home or travel to work, and if the latter, the mode of travel they choose. The department can also use the postcode data to assess the trip rates for different parts of the Island, to analyse the impact of new development and the potential demand for public transport.
Valuable information will also be gathered about car and bike ownership, the use of taxis and how many people car share on their journey to work.
Transport Policy Manager Dave St George commented “Information from the 2011 census will be extremely useful to the Transport and Technical Services department. The Jersey Annual Social Survey provides valuable information but the census can give us clearer, more comprehensive data. In the last census in 2001, for example, 64% of people travelled to work by car; it will be very useful to see if and how this has changed.”