13 December 2011
​Please see Pet movements (gov.je) for updated information
Travelling to and from Jersey with a pet will become easier from 1 January 2012 when changes to the Pet Travel Scheme come into force.
The changes will bring Jersey in line with European Union regulations and ensure that while the process for travelling with a pet is simplified, the Island maintains its protection from rabies.
Among the main changes are that pet owners will now have to wait only 21 days to travel from the EU and approved non-EU countries following the required micro-chipping and rabies vaccinations rather than 6 months, and blood tests followed by a 3 month wait will only be required for pets travelling to and from countries not listed as approved.
Jersey is aligning itself to the UK controls to prevent the introduction of tapeworm and dogs will require tapeworm treatment 1 to 5 days before their scheduled arrival in Jersey. Whilst treatment for ticks is no longer required under the pet travel scheme, pet owners are advised to speak to their vets about this treatment.
Environment Minister, Deputy Robert Duhamel said: "It will be easier to take a pet dog or cat abroad and bring it home in 2012. When booking a holiday, pet owners are recommended to seek advice from their own vet about protection from ticks and other relevant aspects of keeping their pet healthy and safe."
The Pet Travel Scheme, which was first introduced in the UK and Channel Islands in 2000, has proved popular with pet owners and some 6,000 dogs and cats have come to Jersey under the scheme in the last 5 years.
The need to change the regulations is the result of the expiry of time limited derogations set under European regulation for a number of countries, including the UK and Channel Islands, and the conclusion of disease risk assessments. To ensure new controls were in place the States passed the Pet Travel Scheme (Jersey) Regulations on 7 December 2011.
Pet owners are responsible for ensuring their pets meet all the rules for entering Jersey. The procedures must be carried out in the correct order and documentation correctly completed if a pet is to be given entry.
Pet Travel (travel and transport section)