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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Chief Executive appointment deferred

07 June 2011

The Statesā€™ Acting Chief Executive, John Richardson, is to continue in the role for another year.

Following the departure of the former Chief Executive, the post was advertised with a revised job description, inviting initial applications from local candidates only. A selection process was completed this week as a result of the local advertisement for this post. 

5 people applied for the job and 3 were interviewed. The Appointments Commission did not feel that an immediate appointment could be made and John Richardson has agreed to continue in the Acting Chief Executive role until May 2012.

The Chief Minister, Senator Terry Le Sueur, said "There is a need to ensure that the public service has continuity and leadership while any further modifications to the role of Chief Executive are agreed by the new Council of Ministers.

"The States Employment Board therefore thought it sensible to defer a permanent appointment until this process is completed. I am pleased that John Richardson has agreed to continue in the Acting Chef Executive role, which will allow time for the new Council of Ministers to be involved in shaping the role for the future.

"We are committed to providing development for all our staff to ensure that local candidates have the right experience to enable them to succeed in the most senior positions in the States."

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