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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Funding for housing refurbishment

30 June 2011

​The Treasury Minister has allocated £3.25 million from the sale of the Sunshine Hotel site for the Housing Department to begin priority refurbishment works at Pomme D’Or Farm estate. This work is scheduled to take place from September 2011 to 2014.

Senator Philip Ozouf has made the capital receipts from the sale of the Sunshine Hotel site available for this work as he considers it an appropriate use of the funds, which were originally held to benefit social housing.

Senator Ozouf said, â€śI have decided to fund this work from the proceeds of the Sunshine Hotel sale as the work will directly benefit a group of people who live in social housing.

He added “This project provides excellent value for money, the construction work involved continues to serve as a boost to the economy, and it provides an extremely welcome improvement to the living conditions for residents of this estate, as it is in need of refurbishment.”

The Assistant Housing Minister, Connétable Graeme Butcher, said “We already have planning permission for this scheme and we are well advanced with preparations to start work in September. This is part of a rolling refurbishment programme and I am delighted that work is about to start.”​

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