30 September 2011
The Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources, Constable John RĂ©fault, has approved drawings and a contract for the repair and stabilisation of a section of rock face at Greve de Lecq bay.
The rock face is adjacent to the roadway leading to the harbour wall and the boat park used by the Greve de Lecq Boat Owners’ Association. Access to part of the roadway and the boat park is currently restricted due to concerns regarding the risk of rock fall.
The repair and stabilisation project will take 28 weeks and is due to be completed in spring 2012. The project involves removing approximately 1,250 tons of unstable rock by explosive; securing and netting other areas of the rock face and building 2 buttresses. While the work takes place, the section of roadway adjacent to the rock face and the boat park will remain closed to public access, but the adjacent café will be unaffected.
Connétable John Réfault said “I am very pleased that this essential work is able to proceed and apologise for any disruption that may be caused while the repairs are carried out. This is a very worthwhile project that is being undertaken by a local contractor and will not alter the appearance of the rock face to any significant extent.”
A range of repair options for the rock face were considered following a detailed abseil inspection of the rock face by a specialist geo-technical engineer. Some of these options involved the establishment of a rock catch area within the boat park, which would have rendered the boat facility inoperable. Following consultation with the Parish and the Boat Owners’ Association, it was decided to pursue a repair option which allowed the boat park to remain in operation as it was considered that its loss would be detrimental to the bay and would result in future problems associated with increased use of the main slipway and the beach for fishing boat access.
The Constable of St Ouen, Ken Vibert, said “The Parish of St Ouen is delighted to finally get this issue sorted out for the benefit of both tourists and local users of this popular bay.”
Following completion of the repair contract, the Boat Owners’ Association will enter into a new lease on the boat park, and Jersey Property Holdings will implement a planned maintenance programme on the repaired rock face.