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Busy agenda for Ille et Vilaine visit

16 June 2011

Social policy and youth unemployment are among the topics due to be discussed when a delegation from Jersey visits France tomorrow (17 June).

Connétable Ken Vibert will be representing the Chief Minister during the visit to Brittany, which forms part of an annual programme of discussions on co-operation between Jersey and the department of Ille et Vilaine.

The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, Deputy James Reed, and the Assistant Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, Deputy Anne DuprĂ©, will attend to discuss cultural and educational links between France and Jersey. The Assistant Minister for Environment, Deputy Rob Duhamel, will also take part in discussions on wind farms and marine protected areas. 

Delegates will be met at the St Malo Chamber of Commerce by the President of the General Council, Jean-Louis Tourenne, and the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Youen Le Boulc’h. Working groups will then hold discussions on topics encompassing fiscal stimulus, the environment and the economic outlook. Delegates will be briefed on the success of Jersey’s Advance to Work programme, which has helped 285 young people into training and work placements; views will be requested from the strategy group on transport links between Jersey and Brittany; and an update will be provided on the educational links that have been established between schools in Jersey and Brittany.

Connétable Vibert said the meetings were of great benefit to the Island, and it was proposed that a delegation from Brittany would visit Jersey in 2012. He said: "These annual visits are proving extremely valuable in strengthening closer links and co-operation with the department of Ille et Vilaine.”

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