23 May 2011
​​Jersey Harbours has become the first organisation in the Island to receive British Safety Council OHSAS (Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series) 18001 certification, which recognises good practice in the work place.
Assessment criteria
All 3 operational areas of Jersey Harbours – Port of Jersey, Jersey Marinas and Jersey Coastguard – were subject to an independent external assessment from the British Safety Council. This involved assessing a number of important criteria that the organisation had to demonstrate; including:
- performance measuring, monitoring and improvement
- risk assessment and risk control
- emergency preparedness and response
- health and safety
- legislation and regulatory compliance
"As an organisation we are proud to be the first in Jersey to have received this important safety recognition" said Commercial Director for Port of Jersey, Myra Shacklady. "It is essential that we are proactive in ensuring that all our important working areas are maintained to an extremely high standard in terms of safety and compliance. This accreditation will reassure anyone working or travelling in this busy environment that they are doing so in surroundings which meets published UK and EU safety standards."
In awarding the certification to Jersey Harbours, Dave Parr from the British Safety Council said "We are extremely pleased to see Jersey Harbours adopt such a positive approach to their health and safety practices. It is a valuable step forward and a great way to engage employees across all areas of the organisation in self managing health and safety. Furthermore, adopting a structured approach to hazard identification and risk management contributes to a much healthier and safer working environment."
BS OHSAS 1800:2007 certification is valid for 3 years, subject to successful annual survey audits.