23 March 2011

With the census just days away, the public are being reassured that they can get help to fill in their census questionnaires.
Every effort has been made to keep the census questionnaire clear and easy to complete but the census office appreciates some people may have difficulty.
People are also being reminded that if they're having difficulties filling in the census questionnaire, you may like to ask a friend or relative to help you.
Portuguese and Polish translation booklets
Portuguese and Polish translation booklets can be downloaded from the website or you can get one by contacting the census office. You must still fill in the English census questionnaire that has been delivered to your home.
​Other census help
You can get a large print copy of the census questionnaire by contacting the census office. There is also plenty of online help and advice you can use to help you fill in your census questionnaire:
For further help you can call the census helpline on 440111 or email the census office on census@gov.je.
Dr Duncan Gibaut, Head of the States of Jersey Statistics Unit said “While most people will be able to fill in their census questionnaire without assistance, some may require help.
“Also, people who have already received their census questionnaires can fill it in and post it back now, but the answers must reflect their situation on Sunday 27 March. Anyone expecting a baby or getting married may want to wait until 27 March to make sure the information they give is up to date.”