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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Public meeting for health consultation

07 July 2011

The second public meeting to discuss proposals for the future of Jerseyā€™s health and social care service will be held at Les Quennevais School on Wednesday 13 July at 7.30 pm.

Islanders have 6 weeks left to have their say on the Health and Social Services green paper, Caring for Each Other, Caring for Ourselves, before the consultation closes on Friday 19 August.

Last month, around 40 Islanders came to a public meeting at the Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society to discuss the green paper, which was launched by the Minister for Health and Social Services at the end of May. Health and Social Services Minister Deputy Anne Pryke, Chief Executive Officer of Health and Social Services (HSSD), Julie Garbutt, and other representatives from the department will be at the meeting where presentations about the proposals in the green paper will be made and there will then be an opportunity for questions and discussion about the options that have been identified.

Focus group

James Le Feuvre, Director of strategy at HSSD, said "We urge all Islanders to have their say on this important green paper, and one way of doing this is to come to one of our planned public meetings to find out more, and ask any questions you might have. You can also pick up a copy of the green paper at the meetings, and speak to people from HSSD and representatives from some of the groups that we have worked very closely with in preparing the green paper. We are also interested in offering small groups the opportunity to participate in a focus group, if they would like to, until 19 August when the consultation closes."

A number of focus groups have also been held with third sector organisations and the opportunity has been taken to engage with groups of young people in a number of secondary schools. In August, Islanders will be able to take part in a more informal drop in session at St Lawrence Parish Hall. This is part of a wider exercise being organised by Jersey's Ambulance Service as they continue their parish tour, following successful drop in sessions in St Martin and St Clement. A lunchtime public meeting will also be held at St Paulā€™s Centre on Tuesday 2 August at 12.45 pm.

Copies of the green paper are available from every parish hall, the reception area in the Parade entrance of the General Hospital, Morier House, Social Security, the Jersey Library and the ground floor area in Cyril Le Marquand House. A questionnaire is included in the green paper, which islanders are being urged to complete.

Consultations (government and administration section)
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