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Government of

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L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Strategic Plan progress

01 February 2011

Statement from the Chief Minister

Last November I told the States, in reply to a written question from Deputy Le Claire, that by the end of January 2011, I would update members on the progress that has been made on the objectives contained in the Strategic Plan.

I am pleased to report that a great deal of progress has been made, as identified in a detailed report considered by the Council of Ministers and now published. 

Some of our achievements include:

  • Ā£44 million of fiscal stimulus funding has financed important maintenance and infrastructure projects, supported new business start-ups and provided extra training places and career advice. This has helped to support the Island community, and its economy, through the downturn
  • work is under way on reforming the public sector and ensuring sustainable public finances:
    • the Comprehensive Spending Review is identifying the agreed savings of Ā£65 million by 2013
    • departments are reviewing the way they provide their services
    • staff terms and conditions are under review
    • the States Office Strategy will result in  the sale of buildings that are not needed and will ensure the most economical use of property
    • the 2011 Budget agreed by members has set us on the path to balanced budgets from 2013
  • a new Migration Policy and Island Plan are due to be debated by the States later this year, to provide robust mechanisms for controlling population growth and protecting our environment
  • a scheme to fund long term care has been developed and is due for debate later this year; a debate on raising the pension age is also planned for this year ā€“ both initiatives are aimed at helping us to provide for the ageing population
  • Childrenā€™s services have been enhanced by work on the Williamson plan:
    • independent inspections of services for Looked After Children have begun
    • a public consultation on improving opportunities for all Jerseyā€™s children and young people will lead to a redesign of policies, services and budgets, due to be debated later this year

While I know there is work left to do, I am proud to have achieved what we have in the last 2 years, especially in the face of a worldwide recession which saw the sharpest fall in global economic growth for 60 years.

The Council of Ministers is now focussing on completing the work that is already under way, leaving an extremely busy agenda for policy development and debate in 2011.

Senator Terry Le Sueur 

Download Strategic Plan: Progress Against Priorities as at 31 December 2010 (size 252kb) on States Assembly website

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