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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Summer bus timetable announced

23 May 2011

The Minister for Transport and Technical Services has confirmed the bus routes and timetables that will operate during the summer 2011 season.

Following public consultation on the new timetable, the 9am departure to Bouley Bay will be retained and there will be an additional service to Bouley Bay leaving St Helier at 7.25pm.

ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson, the Minister for Transport and Technical Services said, “Efforts to create a bus service that is an overall improvement can regrettably create difficulties for passengers who have become accustomed to established departure times.  A number of people expressed concerns about moving the second journey on service 4 to a 9.30am departure.  I have listened to these concerns and I’m very happy to announce that this departure will remain unchanged at 9.00am during the summer.”

He continued, “I want to see the bus network evolving to produce the best possible service to the public, and there will be an opportunity in advance of the winter timetable, later this year, to assess what has been successful and where further improvements can be made.”

Passengers are advised to check the new timetables, which will be available shortly from Connex at Liberation Station.

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