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Charity recognised for vaccine funding

23 September 2011

A local charity that provided funds to extend the HPV vaccine programme to more teenage girls will be thanked for their important contribution next week.

Jersey Cancer Relief (JCR) provided a substantial sum for the vaccine, which meant 1500 girls in Jersey were able to have a 3-dose course of the vaccination to protect them against cervical cancer in the future.

On Monday 26 September, representatives from Jersey Cancer Relief will attend a special reception at the General Hospital to mark their contribution to the vaccination programme. The reception, which will feature a small summary of the vaccination programme, will also be attended by students from JCG and Beaulieu, as well as immunisation lead clinicians, representatives from the Hospitalā€™s obstetrics and gynaecology team, the CEO for the Health and Social Services Department, the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Medical Officer of Health.

Dr Mark Jones, consultant community paediatrician and immunisation lead, said: "We are very grateful for the support received from Jersey Cancer Relief. Their funding enabled about 1500 teenage girls to receive a 3-dose course of HPV vaccinations to protect them against cervical cancer. This went beyond the HSSD-funded programme of HPV vaccination in school Year 8 (age 12/13).  It widened the reach of the vaccine to schoolgirls, above the age threshold when the new programme was introduced.

"We were delighted when Jersey Cancer Relief came forward with an offer of funding for this one-off initiative, and we want to thank them for the important contribution they have made."

'Wonderful contribution'

Deputy Anne Pryke, Minister for Health and Social Services, said: "This is a wonderful contribution from a local charity, and we are delighted to be able to thank them for what they have done."

Jersey Cancer Relief made their contribution following a presentation to them by Head of Healthcare Programmes, Dr Linda Diggle and Dr Mark Jones about the significance of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer and the costs of such a campaign.

Joan Richard from the charity said: "Jersey Cancer Relief is an independent charity and all monies raised stay in Jersey. JCR committee members acknowledge the importance of prevention and when they heard that funding was required for this important programme to protect local girls from cervical cancer, they were happy to provide the funds. It is by our own fund raising and the generosity of the Jersey public that this has been possible and we are delighted that 1500 girls have been vaccinated."

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