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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Value Jersey launched

19 July 2011

The Treasury Minister has announced the launch of Value Jersey – a new way of informing Islanders about progress on cost cutting in the public sector, listening to feedback on savings proposals and ensuring that a focus on savings and efficiency remains a priority for the States.

In 2010 Jersey was facing a structural deficit. This meant, that year on year, government was spending more than it was receiving in tax to provide services for the Island. To tackle this, the Council of Ministers put in place a 3 year programme to permanently reduce annual spending by ÂŁ65 million.

The Treasury and Resources Minister, Senator Philip Ozouf, said “By the end of this year the Comprehensive Spending Review will have achieved ÂŁ12 million in annual savings. Now we must ensure that a culture of continually reassessing and seeking efficiencies is firmly embedded in the public sector.

“Every aspect of spending is being examined, from the prices we pay suppliers to the management of staff and resources. More than 300 different savings initiatives are being proposed by departments to meet the savings target.”

The Chief Minister, Senator Terry Le Sueur, says “This programme of work is much more than a 3 year savings programme. It will fundamentally restructure, reorganise and reinvigorate the public sector, establishing a framework for lasting change within the States of Jersey.

 â€śValue Jersey has been created to ensure that the public is kept informed of progress and to encourage everyone in the community to get involved in creating better value for Jersey. It is an easy way to learn more about our evolving plans, to offer suggestions for improvements and to discuss changes as they are being made.”​
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