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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Town Park will open this weekend

25 October 2011

The Millennium Town Park is opening this Saturday 29 October with a weekend of family fun.

Although some finishing work is yet to be done, this coming weekend was chosen to showcase what the park had to offer before the weather becomes more unpredictable.

The opening starts at 10am with some children who were born in the year 2000 starting up the water curtain feature, a first for Jersey, at the Bath Street entrance to the park. 2 specially commissioned pieces of art will also be unveiled by the opening party which will also view the children’s playground, watch demonstrations on the practice court and in the petanque area and look at the site history timeline.

Members of the public are invited to the unveiling and to look around the park and enjoy the activities and entertainment at this new park for the community in the north of town.

There is a Halloween theme running through the weekend and children are encouraged to take part in fancy dress and pumpkin carving competitions. These will be judged at 3pm on Saturday with prizes donated by The Channel Islands Co-operative Society Limited, who are also providing free pumpkin soup from 10.30am to 4pm on Saturday and from noon until 3pm on Sunday. 

There will also be demonstrations of football and basketball on the practice court and petanque will be played throughout the weekend.  There will be music and dancing on both days and on Sunday from 2pm to 4pm youngsters will be encouraged to come and have a go at exercise classes, including zumba and body popping. There will also be a carousel, bouncy castle and refreshments.

The Minister for Transport and Technical Services, ConnĂ©table Mike Jackson, said “We wanted to do something to recognise and introduce the new Millennium Town Park, but it is difficult at this time of year as the completion of the project is somewhat weather dependant. We picked this weekend as we knew the park would be near enough to completion for the public to explore it and in the hope that we would be blessed with reasonable weather for the public to venture out in. 

“I hope people will come out and see how the site of an old gas works, used as a car park for two decades, has been transformed into a beautiful park with unique character and facilities that will benefit the local community.”

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