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Healthy school award for Janvrin

09 March 2011

Janvrin primary school has become the most recent local school to be recognised for its work in developing and promoting health in schools with a National Healthy Schools award.

It’s the eighth school to receive the award for its participation in the Healthy Schools programme, which is jointly supported by Education, Sport and Culture and Health and Social Services. The programme encourages students, staff, parents and the wider community to work together to reach standards of good practice in physical and emotional health and wellbeing in Island schools.

To celebrate their achievement, Andrew Heaven, Head of Health Improvement, and Cliff Chipperfield, Business Manager for Schools and Colleges, will be co-presenting students, staff and parents with a certificate and plaque during their open day on 10 March at 5.30pm.

The National Healthy School Awards recognises that the schools have developed good practice in promoting health across 4 key focus areas:

  • personal, social and health education (PSHE)
  • healthy eating
  • emotional health and wellbeing (EH&WB)
  • physical activity

The UK validator for the Healthy Schools Programme, Sue Falconer, was very impressed during her recent visit to Janvrin saying “The school is to be congratulated on the progress it has made in personal, social and health Education, and on the inclusive way it supports all children. The school motto ‘Believe, Achieve, Celebrate’ is most apt."

Head teacher of Janvrin School, John du Feu, said “For the past 18 months, the school has been working hard to achieve the Healthy Schools status award. Although there has been much hard work there has also been a great deal of fun along the way. I am delighted that the school’s commitment has been officially recognised by the granting of this award.

"It has been a great team effort which has been so effectively led by our Healthy Schools Co-ordinator Mrs Elaine George. That the award will be presented at the school’s Open Day celebration and shared with staff, parents and children will make the occasion all the more special and memorable.”

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