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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Coastguard issues advice to boat owners

26 July 2012

Jersey Coastguard has been receiving reports of people misusing boats and jet skis near the shore and is reminding Islanders to be careful when they head out to sea:

  • speeds should not exceed 5 knots when closer than 200 metres to the shore
  • boat and jet ski users should watch out for swimmers
  • anyone using such craft should take appropriate safety gear
  • people in kayaks, canoes and rowing boats should prepare before setting off - telling someone where they are going, how long they intend to stay out and what to do if they fail to return on time
  • each boat, jet ski or kayak should have some form of permanent identification, including a telephone number, to ensure they can be easily traced if their craft is stolen or cast adrift

On behalf of Jersey Coastguard, Captain Rick Masterman said "As an emergency service we will respond to all reported incidents, but valuable time can be wasted in trying to track down an owner, especially if there is a valid reason why a craft has been left.

"In order to reduce the number of false alarms we would urge owners to fasten some form of personal identification to their boat or jet ski, including a telephone number, so we can contact them if something does happen."

Jersey Coastguard has responded to 95 Search and Rescue incidents already this year. This is slightly down on the 99 up to the same period last year, however 27 of this yearā€™s incidents have been during July compared with 19 in July 2011.

Captain Masterman added "We don't want to spoil anyoneā€™s enjoyment of the water activities available in Jersey, but everyone should adopt a responsible approach. We believe it is important to repeat these messages and reminders to avoid any future mishaps at sea."

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