16 November 2012
​The pontoon at Bouley Bay is likely to return in summer 2013 following agreement between the Port of Jersey, parish officials and local business owners.
It has been announced that local business owners plan to set up a new group to take over responsibility for, and ownership of, the pontoon. The group replaces a disbanded association which first applied for a grant to the Tourism Development Fund in 2004 to buy the pontoon as part of a project to improve the Bouley Bay area.
Port of Jersey has agreed to arrange for the pontoon to be returned to the bay next spring and to maintain the mooring chains for the next two years at no charge. After that it will review the maintenance arrangements with the new association.
Port of Jersey has expressed concern over the apparent lack of public liability insurance for the pontoon and this is something that the new group will resolve before the pontoon is returned to the water next year.
Port of Jersey Group Infrastructure Director, Ray Hine, said "We have always been supportive of the pontoon and appreciate the pleasure it brings to visitors and residents as well as the benefits to local businesses. Although Port of Jersey does not own the pontoon we have agreed to maintain its mooring chains at no cost for the next two years. Once a new association has been established we will meet its members and find a way forward that suits everyone."
The Manager of the Water’s Edge Hotel, Mark Neal, said "We, along with Mary from the café and Toyah from the Dive Centre met representatives from Port of Jersey and the Tourism Development Fund this week and had a very productive meeting.
"We are working towards re-establishing the association and taking back ownership of the pontoon. We are grateful to the Port of Jersey for all their help over the years in helping to maintain the moorings and look forward to working with them in the future."
The pontoon was removed from the water at Bouley Bay on Friday 9 November for its annual winter storage. Essential maintenance work on the mooring chains is now being undertaken by the Port of Jersey.