02 August 2012
​​​The Political Steering Group formed to oversee the delivery of a new police headquarters has agreed the final design for the building, which will now be submitted as a planning application. The group met recently to discuss the revised design, which was adapted following a consultation undertaken in February 2012.
Public consultation was held with those likely to be affected by the proposed development on La Route du Fort. This involved holding individual meetings with neighbours and the wider public before the official planning process began.
Having received this feedback and held discussions with the Environment Department, in March 2012 a decision was taken to review the building design following the points made by consultees, before any future planning application.
Revised design
This redesign process has now been completed and the Political Steering Group has agreed a revised scheme which addresses many of the points raised during the consultation process. This scheme will shortly be submitted to the Minister for the Environment as a planning application.
As part of this process the details of the scheme, along with the points raised during consultation, have been published today by the Assistant Treasury Minister, Deputy Eddie Noel. This information has also been provided directly to the key groups who took part in the pre-planning application consultation process.
Deputy Eddie Noel said “I’d like to thank those who took part in the consultation exercise. All the individual responses received and a summary of the outcome of the various meetings have been considered by the Political Steering Group and have been provided directly to the Planning Department.”
The feedback received was used to undertake a comprehensive review of the original design, a process which has taken a number of months to complete.
Consultation process
Deputy Eddie Noel added “It was important that we listened to the points raised during the consultation process and we have responded to them. We believe the revised design addresses a number of the main concerns highlighted, in particular those relating to the size and height of the building and its proximity to neighbouring buildings.
“I am pleased with the revised design, which remains a very good solution for the States of Jersey Police. We will be submitting a planning application imminently”.
Modern policing
The Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police, Mike Bowron said “We have worked closely with the project team throughout the redesign process and I am delighted with the outcome.
“This represents a significant step towards providing the first ever purpose built police headquarters in Jersey, which will provide the kind of working environment that modern policing demands.
“I continue to believe that the presence of a new police headquarters will benefit the local area and I will personally commit to continued engagement with neighbours as the project progresses.”