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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Passport fees reduced

24 July 2012

The new fees will be Ā£72.50 for an adult passport and Ā£46.00 for a childā€™s passport. There will be no change to the cost of the express service which remains at Ā£38.50.

The reduction in fees reflects decreases that will apply at the same time throughout the UK. The UKā€™s Identity and Passport Service introduced the decreases following recent efficiency savings, which included the move to a centralised printing facility. 
Jersey Customs and Immigration expect to make similar savings by 2014 when they also plan to be using the centralised printing facility. Despite the fact that local savings will not be achieved until 2014 the Home Affairs Minister, Senator Ian Le Marquand, has decided Jersey holders of British passports should benefit immediately. 

Senator Le Marquand said ā€œI am pleased to be able to announce this reduction in the cost of passports. The loss of income will be absorbed by the Home Affairs Department until the efficiency savings made in the UK can also be applied here. The impact on the running budget for the Customs and Immigration Service is therefore expected to be short term and manageableā€. 

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