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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

22 tonnes of plastic recycled

16 April 2012

22 tonnes of plastic bottles and pallet wrap were exported for recycling by States of Jersey contractor, Reclamait Ltd over the weekend.

The plastics were loaded on to a 13 metre trailer on Saturday 14 April which is today travelling to England for processing.

The trailer contained 11 tonnes of pallet wrap which were collected from local businesses and 11 tonnes of plastic bottles which were collected from the Island-wide recycling sites and the parish household kerbside recycling collections run in St John, St Lawrence, Trinity and St Mary.

Plastics were last exported by Reclamait Ltd in February so approximately 220,000 plastic bottles have been collected for recycling in the past 2 months (approximately 20,000 plastic bottles to a tonne).

Transport and Technical Services Recycling Manager, Emma Richardson, said "The market for the high grade of plastic used in plastic bottles is strong at the moment which means that we are seeing a return for every tonne of plastic bottles we export. This helps to fund more recycling in the Island so by separating plastic bottles for recycling, you are increasing Jerseyā€™s recycling rate now and helping us to find ways of increasing it in the future."

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