17 December 2012
Islanders are being reminded that only plastic bottles should be put in the plastic bottle recycling banks and not trays, tubs or other plastics which cannot be recycled.
Recycling Manager, Emma Richardson, said "We are receiving a lot of non bottle plastics such as black food trays in our plastic bottle recycling banks. Unfortunately we are not collecting these for recycling at the moment and so they are actually contaminating our loads of plastic bottles."
Plastic bottles are made from a high grade of plastic but other household waste plastics such as yoghurt pots, fruit tubs and food trays are made from different types of plastic which are currently more difficult to recycle.
All types of plastic bottles can be recycled including clear, coloured and opaque bottles ranging from water bottles to detergent and shampoo bottles. Other types of plastic packaging such as pots, tubs and trays are not collected by Transport and Technical Services for recycling and should be thrown away with general rubbish.