02 March 2012
The following statement was issued by the Chief Minister's Department:
The 2012 / 2013 public sector pay review is now underway and is at different stages depending on the pay group. It comes at a time of continuing economic uncertainty, when there are a large number of priorities competing for States funding, all of which cannot be afforded.
The States Assembly agreed a savings target of £65 million by 2013 and hard choices need to be made. Any unspent funds from 2011 have been allocated to pressing priorities like buying medical equipment, screening for cancer, funding nursery places, supporting our emergency services and tackling rising unemployment.
Before meetings began, the States Employment Board, Council of Ministers and Corporate Management Board agreed the parameters for pay negotiations. During meetings States representatives have stressed the importance of maintaining job security.
This is a difficult time for all of us and while pay restraint may not be welcome, the 2012 budget and the proposed budget for 2013 do not allow for any increase in the public sector pay bill. States representatives have been discussing with unions any opportunities for saving money which could then be used for staff remuneration.
During these meetings the States representatives have proposed a 3-year pay deal of 0% for both 2012 and 2013, and up to 2.5% for 2014. The cost of 2012 staff increments for more than 3,500 employees have already been met, fulfilling States commitments at this difficult time.
It is important that the public sector can sustain essential services in the face of an ageing population and increasing costs. It is in the long term interests of the States, its employees and of Islanders to develop a modern, flexible workforce that can continue to provide high quality services and value for money for taxpayers.
To achieve these ambitions the States workforce needs to be appropriately rewarded with the right training and professional development to achieve career progress, while providing excellent services for Islanders.
These objectives can best be achieved by working together with employees and trade union representatives.