22 March 2013
​Governments across the Channel Islands have co-operated on a project to help pet owners who want to travel with their animal.
The veterinary authorities of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark have worked together to update a leaflet that gives information to pet owners about the Channel Island pet travel scheme.
New leaflet
In the past, the same information has been provided separately by each island, but the new leaflet sets out exactly what pet owners from each island must do to get a pet passport for their dog, cat or ferret if they want to travel abroad with their animals.
It follows co-operation between the islands to produce posters on rabies prevention, and on the importation of animal products. States Vet Linda Lowseck said "It makes sense to work together wherever possible. We’re all aiming for the same outcome – to help people who want to travel with their pets follow the right procedures.
"We worked well with our Channel Island counterparts on earlier projects so when the time came for updating information on the pet travel scheme, we approached the veterinary authorities in other islands and they agreed it would be a good idea to share resources and expertise. I imagine this is only the beginning and there will be many other opportunities for us to join forces."
The updated pet travel scheme leaflet includes new information about pet microchips and advises pet owners travelling abroad with their pets to discuss disease prevention with their vet, for example, treating against ticks prior to before departure.
The leaflet is available from the Department of the Environment, and most vets, pet shops, plane and ferry companies approved to carry pets and other businesses with a pet connection.